
特斯拉發布會2024|特斯拉發布會直播|特斯拉自動駕駛|特斯拉無人駕駛|特斯拉機器人|特斯拉最新發布會|特斯拉發布會中文|特斯拉計程車|特斯拉robotaxi|robotaxi tesla

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00:00 特斯拉2024釋出會直播正式開始 
02:27 伊隆馬斯克親自乘坐特斯拉無人駕駛計程車入場 
02:48 釋出會現場有50輛完全無人駕駛的特斯拉計程車 
03:12 特斯拉無人駕駛計程車沒有方向盤和踏板 
04:46 特斯拉的自動駕駛技術已經非常成熟 
05:59 汽車每週的平均使用時間是10小時左右 
06:27 馬斯克認為無人駕駛汽車的安全性將是人類的十倍 
06:51 馬斯克用無人電梯比喻無人汽車的發展 
07:25 馬斯克把特斯拉計程車當作自動駕駛世界中的一個小休息室 
08:22 馬斯克認為特斯拉無人駕駛計程車的價格大約為每英里30或40美分 
08:39 馬斯克預計特斯拉計程車的費用將低於30,000美元 
08:57 馬斯克預測未來的計程車司機會像牧羊人一樣,管理20輛無人駕駛計程車 
09:10 特斯拉將在2025年,在德克薩斯州和加利福尼亞州啟動完全自動、無監督的FSD無人駕駛 
10:15 馬斯克說在2027年之前量產特斯拉無人駕駛計程車 
10:34 馬斯克承諾會在美國任何監管機構基本上批准的地方,上線自動駕駛的特斯拉 
11:44 無人駕駛比人工駕駛安全性提高10倍的真正原因 
12:12 特斯拉的無人駕駛依靠的是人工智慧和視覺演算法,不需要昂貴的硬體 
12:30 特斯拉Model 3、Model Y、S和X已經具備無人自動駕駛的能力 
14:20 馬斯克演示特斯拉感應充電功能 
14:39 特斯拉電動車只需駛過感應充電器便可充電。 
16:16 特斯拉釋出無人駕駛客運大巴 16:49 特斯拉Robovin就是一個無人駕駛的公交車 
18:03 馬斯克公佈Optimus機器人 20:10 Optimus機器人的售價預計為20,000到30,000美元 
19:09 Optimus機器人可以用來做老師、照顧你的小孩、遛狗、修剪草坪、買雜貨、當服務員倒飲料 
21:21 搜尋美國公牛網,討論最新特斯拉無人駕駛計程車話題


So we have quite a show for you tonight. I think you're going to like it. As you can see, I just arrived in the robo-taxi, the cyber cab. And there's 20 more where that came from. So they've been traveling. They're all-- there's no people in them, as you can see. The cars are just going by with no people. [CHEERING] And we have 50 fully autonomous cars here tonight. [CHEERING] So you'll see Model Ys and the cyber cab, all driverless. You'll be able to take a ride in the cyber cab.

There's no steering wheel or pedals. [CHEERING] So I hope this goes well. You see a lot of sci-fi movies where the future is dark and dismal, where it's not a future you want to be in. So, you know, like, I love Blade Runner, but I don't know if we want that future. I think we want that duster he's wearing, but not the bleak apocalypse. We want to have a fun, exciting future that, if you could look in a crystal ball and see the future, you'd be like, "Yes, I wish I could be there now." That's what we want. So when we think about transport today, there's a lot of kind of pain

that we take for granted that we think is normal, like having to drive around L.A. in, like, three hours of traffic. Yeah, and people that live in L.A., I mean, you know, try to get from Pasadena to, you know, El Segundo during rush hour. You can fly to, you know, another city faster than you can get to Crosstown, L.A. So, and you have to drive the whole way, unless you're on a Tesla, of course. Now, Tesla already does quite well at this, you know, supervised self-driving. So supervised full self-driving is actually working quite well. I'm sure there's people in the crowd, you're using that, yeah? [Cheers] So we'll move from supervised full self-driving to unsupervised full self-driving, where the car, you could fall asleep and wake up at your destination. So, but there's also a challenge for a lot of people that cars cost too much.

I mean, when you factor in everything that goes into a car and the car insurance and the car payments and the storage of the car, it's very expensive. So with, and you say like how often are, how many hours a week are cars used? Your average passenger car is only used about 10 hours a week out of 168 hours. So the vast majority of the time, cars are just doing nothing. But if they're autonomous, they could be used, I don't know, five times more? Maybe 10 times more. So you could actually, for the same car, would have five times as much value, maybe 10 times as much value. It's, there's 168 hours in the week, and like I said, only 10 of them are used for

driving. So and then a bunch of those hours are looking for a parking spot, which is, you know, can be pretty annoying at times. So we want, with autonomy, you get your time back. This is a very big deal. So it's not just a safe, like it'll save lives, like a lot of lives, and prevent injuries. I think we'll see autonomous cars become 10 times safer than a human. I mean, if you think of times past where there were, there used to be an elevator operator in every elevator, but once in a while, they get, you know, they get tired, and accidentally shear somebody in half, you know.

So now we have automated elevators. You just get in an elevator, and you press a button, and you don't even think about it. And it just takes you to the floor. And if you did see an elevator operator with a big relay switch, you'd be like, that's weird. Now that's how cars will be. And it's not just the lives saved in injuries, but if you look at, think about the cumulative time that people spend in a car, and the time that they will get back, that they can now spend, well, I guess on their phones, or watching a movie, or doing work, or whatever you want to do.

You can think of the car in an autonomous world as being like just a little lounge. You're just sitting in a comfortable little lounge, and you can do whatever you want while you're in this comfortable little lounge. And when you get out, you will be at your destination. So yeah, this can be awesome. So, in fact, I think the cost of autonomous transport will be so low that you can think of it like individualized mass transit. The average cost of a bus per mile for a city, not the ticket price, because that is subsidized, but the average price is about a dollar a mile. Whereas the cost of cyber cab, we think probably over time,

the operating cost is probably going to be around 20 cents a mile. And price, including taxes and everything else, probably ends up being 30 or 40 cents a mile. So yes, and you will be able to buy one. Yes, exactly. And we expect the cost to be below $30,000. And I think there will be an interesting business model where, like, let's say somebody is an Uber or Lyft driver today, where they can actually sort of manage a fleet of cars, and like sort of manage, I don't know,

10, 20 cars, and just sort of, you know, take care of them like a shepherd tends their flock. You have a little, you know, flock of cars, and you're the shepherd, and you take care of your flock of cars. I think that would be pretty cool. And I think it's going to be a glorious future. It's going to be really something special. So -- >> It won't be available. >> Yes. Good -- all excellent questions. So we do expect actually to start fully autonomous, unsupervised FSD in Texas and

California next year. And that's obviously -- that's with the Model 3 and Model Y. And then we expect to be in production with the Cyber Cab, which is really highly optimized for autonomous transport in probably -- well, I tend to be a little optimistic with timeframes. But in 2026. So, yeah. Before 2027. Let me put it that way. And we'll make this vehicle in very high volume. And -- but well before that, you will experience a robotic taxi via the Model 3 and Model Y program. And Model S and X too. But the Model -- your 3 and Y will be -- will achieve unsupervised full stop driving with permission in wherever regulators essentially approve it in the U.S. and then to follow in outside the U.S.

So -- and the Cybertruck too. Yes, of course. Sorry. I don't want to be -- yes, yes. All our cars are basically -- all cars that we make. So -- let's not get nuanced here. All right. Next slide. So, one of the reasons why the computer can be so much better than a person is that we have millions of cars that are training on driving. So it's like living millions of lives simultaneously and seeing very unusual situations that a person in their entire lifetime would not see.

But hopefully. Yes. Exactly. So -- so with that amount of training data, it's obviously going to be much better than what a human could be because you can't live a million lives. And it's also -- it can see in all directions simultaneously. And it doesn't get tired or text or any of those things. So it will naturally be, like I said, 10, 20, 30 times safer than a human. Just for all those reasons. And I want to emphasize that the solution that we have is AI and vision. So there's no expensive equipment needed.

So the Model 3, Model Y, and S and X that we make today will be capable of full autonomy unsupervised. And that means that our cost of producing the vehicle is low. Now, we are going to actually overspec the computer for the CyberCab. So our AI5 computer will be somewhat overspec. And because I think there's actually also an opportunity sort of like an Amazon Web Services where if the car is driving for 50 hours a week, there's still over 100 hours left. And there's a potential there to have a massive amount of distributed inference compute where if you've got, like, say, a fleet of 100 million vehicles and a kilowatt of efficient inference compute, you have 100 gigawatts of compute, which is really quite substantial. And if it's there, you might as well use it. So, yeah.

So that's -- that I think will make sense. So all right. So our autonomous future is here. As I said, we've got 50 Teslas driving autonomously. We're trying to give you a sense of what cities will be like in the future. And when you get in, you'll see, like, it's really quite a wild experience to just be in a car with no steering wheel, no pedals, no controls. And it feels great. So -- and we have enough vehicles here, so everyone should be able to try it out and experience the set that we've built here.

It's a very big set. So it's, like, really -- we've used sort of, I don't know, 20, 30 acres or something like that. It's really big. So it goes on -- the ride's long. And we set it up to feel like a ride, like a park ride. So it'll be cool. And you'll get to experience it tonight. [ Cheers and applause ] Something we're also doing is -- and it's really high time we did this -- is inductive charging. So the Robotaxi has no plug.

It just goes over the inductive charger and charges. So yeah. That's kind of how it should be. Thanks, guys. I love you, too. So one of the things that, like, is really interesting is how will this affect the cities that we live in? And when you drive around a city or when a car drives you around a city, you'll see there's a lot of parking lots. There's parking lots everywhere.

Parking garages. And so what would happen if you have an autonomous world is that you can now turn parking lots into parks. And so from -- we're taking the "ing" lot out of "parking lot." Welcome. So there's a lot of opportunity to create green space in the cities that we live in. So I think that would be quite fantastic. Oh, and also, what happens if you need a vehicle that is bigger than a Model Y? The Robovin. The Robovin is -- this is -- we're going to make this. And it's going to look like that. Now, can you imagine going down the streets and you see this coming towards you?

That would be sick. So this can carry up to 20 people, and it can also transport goods. So you can configure it for goods transport within a city or transport up to 20 people at a time. So this is going to -- the Robovin is what's going to solve for high density. So if you want to take a sports team somewhere or you're looking to really get the cost of travel down to, I don't know, 5, 10 cents a mile, then you can use the Robovin. Some people call it the Robovin. So yeah. You know, one of the things we want to do -- and you've seen this with the Cybertruck -- is we want to change the look of the roads. The future should look like the future.

So speaking of robots, so everything we've developed for our cars, the batteries, power electronics, the advanced motors, gear boxes, the software, the AI inference computer, it all actually applies to a humanoid robot. It's the same techniques. It's just a robot with arms and legs instead of a robot with wheels. And we've made a lot of progress with the Optimus. And as you can see, we started out with someone in a robot suit, sort of dad, and then we've progressed dramatically year after year. So if you extrapolate this, you're really going to have something spectacular, something that anyone could own.

So you could have your own personal R2D2 C3PO. And I think at scale, this would cost something like, I don't know, $20,000, $30,000. Less than a car is my prediction long-term. Take us a minute to get to the long-term. But fundamentally at scale, the Optimus robot, you should be able to buy an Optimus robot for I think probably $20,000 to $30,000 long-term. And what can it do? It'll be able to do anything you want. So it can be a teacher, babysit your kids, it can walk your dog, mow your lawn, get the groceries, just be your friend, serve drinks.

Whatever you can think of, it will do. And yeah, it's going to be awesome. I think this will be the biggest product ever of any kind. Because I think everyone of the 8 billion people of Earth, I think everyone's going to want their Optimus buddy. And there's going to be maybe two. And then there'll be producing products and services. I predict actually provided we address risks of digital superintelligence, 80% probability of good outcome. Look on the bright side.

The cup is 80% full. The cost of products and services will decline dramatically. And basically anyone will be able to have any products and services they want. It will be an age of abundance. The likes of which people have not -- almost no one has envisioned. It will be something special. So one of the things we wanted to show tonight was that Optimus is not a canned video. It's not walled off. The Optimus robots will walk among you. Please be nice to the Optimus robots.

So you'll be able to walk right up to them. And they'll serve drinks at the bar. And you'll directly -- I mean, it's a wild experience just to have humanoid robots. And they're there. Just in front of you. So yeah. With that, let's party! [Cheers and applause] I love you guys, too. If you look at that gazebo over there, let's get the party started.


00:00 特斯拉2024釋出會直播正式開始 
02:27 伊隆馬斯克親自乘坐特斯拉無人駕駛計程車入場 
02:48 釋出會現場有50輛完全無人駕駛的特斯拉計程車 
03:12 特斯拉無人駕駛計程車沒有方向盤和踏板 
04:46 特斯拉的自動駕駛技術已經非常成熟 
05:59 汽車每週的平均使用時間是10小時左右 
06:27 馬斯克認為無人駕駛汽車的安全性將是人類的十倍 
06:51 馬斯克用無人電梯比喻無人汽車的發展 
07:25 馬斯克把特斯拉計程車當作自動駕駛世界中的一個小休息室 
08:22 馬斯克認為特斯拉無人駕駛計程車的價格大約為每英里30或40美分 
08:39 馬斯克預計特斯拉計程車的費用將低於30,000美元 
08:57 馬斯克預測未來的計程車司機會像牧羊人一樣,管理20輛無人駕駛計程車 
09:10 特斯拉將在2025年,在德克薩斯州和加利福尼亞州啟動完全自動、無監督的FSD無人駕駛 
10:15 馬斯克說在2027年之前量產特斯拉無人駕駛計程車 
10:34 馬斯克承諾會在美國任何監管機構基本上批准的地方,上線自動駕駛的特斯拉 
11:44 無人駕駛比人工駕駛安全性提高10倍的真正原因 
12:12 特斯拉的無人駕駛依靠的是人工智慧和視覺演算法,不需要昂貴的硬體 
12:30 特斯拉Model 3、Model Y、S和X已經具備無人自動駕駛的能力 
14:20 馬斯克演示特斯拉感應充電功能 
14:39 特斯拉電動車只需駛過感應充電器便可充電。 
16:16 特斯拉釋出無人駕駛客運大巴 16:49 特斯拉Robovin就是一個無人駕駛的公交車 
18:03 馬斯克公佈Optimus機器人 20:10 Optimus機器人的售價預計為20,000到30,000美元 
19:09 Optimus機器人可以用來做老師、照顧你的小孩、遛狗、修剪草坪、買雜貨、當服務員倒飲料 
21:21 搜尋美國公牛網,討論最新特斯拉無人駕駛計程車話題


So we have quite a show for you tonight. I think you're going to like it. As you can see, I just arrived in the robo-taxi, the cyber cab. And there's 20 more where that came from. So they've been traveling. They're all-- there's no people in them, as you can see. The cars are just going by with no people. [CHEERING] And we have 50 fully autonomous cars here tonight. [CHEERING] So you'll see Model Ys and the cyber cab, all driverless. You'll be able to take a ride in the cyber cab.

There's no steering wheel or pedals. [CHEERING] So I hope this goes well. You see a lot of sci-fi movies where the future is dark and dismal, where it's not a future you want to be in. So, you know, like, I love Blade Runner, but I don't know if we want that future. I think we want that duster he's wearing, but not the bleak apocalypse. We want to have a fun, exciting future that, if you could look in a crystal ball and see the future, you'd be like, "Yes, I wish I could be there now." That's what we want. So when we think about transport today, there's a lot of kind of pain

that we take for granted that we think is normal, like having to drive around L.A. in, like, three hours of traffic. Yeah, and people that live in L.A., I mean, you know, try to get from Pasadena to, you know, El Segundo during rush hour. You can fly to, you know, another city faster than you can get to Crosstown, L.A. So, and you have to drive the whole way, unless you're on a Tesla, of course. Now, Tesla already does quite well at this, you know, supervised self-driving. So supervised full self-driving is actually working quite well. I'm sure there's people in the crowd, you're using that, yeah? [Cheers] So we'll move from supervised full self-driving to unsupervised full self-driving, where the car, you could fall asleep and wake up at your destination. So, but there's also a challenge for a lot of people that cars cost too much.

I mean, when you factor in everything that goes into a car and the car insurance and the car payments and the storage of the car, it's very expensive. So with, and you say like how often are, how many hours a week are cars used? Your average passenger car is only used about 10 hours a week out of 168 hours. So the vast majority of the time, cars are just doing nothing. But if they're autonomous, they could be used, I don't know, five times more? Maybe 10 times more. So you could actually, for the same car, would have five times as much value, maybe 10 times as much value. It's, there's 168 hours in the week, and like I said, only 10 of them are used for

driving. So and then a bunch of those hours are looking for a parking spot, which is, you know, can be pretty annoying at times. So we want, with autonomy, you get your time back. This is a very big deal. So it's not just a safe, like it'll save lives, like a lot of lives, and prevent injuries. I think we'll see autonomous cars become 10 times safer than a human. I mean, if you think of times past where there were, there used to be an elevator operator in every elevator, but once in a while, they get, you know, they get tired, and accidentally shear somebody in half, you know.

So now we have automated elevators. You just get in an elevator, and you press a button, and you don't even think about it. And it just takes you to the floor. And if you did see an elevator operator with a big relay switch, you'd be like, that's weird. Now that's how cars will be. And it's not just the lives saved in injuries, but if you look at, think about the cumulative time that people spend in a car, and the time that they will get back, that they can now spend, well, I guess on their phones, or watching a movie, or doing work, or whatever you want to do.

You can think of the car in an autonomous world as being like just a little lounge. You're just sitting in a comfortable little lounge, and you can do whatever you want while you're in this comfortable little lounge. And when you get out, you will be at your destination. So yeah, this can be awesome. So, in fact, I think the cost of autonomous transport will be so low that you can think of it like individualized mass transit. The average cost of a bus per mile for a city, not the ticket price, because that is subsidized, but the average price is about a dollar a mile. Whereas the cost of cyber cab, we think probably over time,

the operating cost is probably going to be around 20 cents a mile. And price, including taxes and everything else, probably ends up being 30 or 40 cents a mile. So yes, and you will be able to buy one. Yes, exactly. And we expect the cost to be below $30,000. And I think there will be an interesting business model where, like, let's say somebody is an Uber or Lyft driver today, where they can actually sort of manage a fleet of cars, and like sort of manage, I don't know,

10, 20 cars, and just sort of, you know, take care of them like a shepherd tends their flock. You have a little, you know, flock of cars, and you're the shepherd, and you take care of your flock of cars. I think that would be pretty cool. And I think it's going to be a glorious future. It's going to be really something special. So -- >> It won't be available. >> Yes. Good -- all excellent questions. So we do expect actually to start fully autonomous, unsupervised FSD in Texas and

California next year. And that's obviously -- that's with the Model 3 and Model Y. And then we expect to be in production with the Cyber Cab, which is really highly optimized for autonomous transport in probably -- well, I tend to be a little optimistic with timeframes. But in 2026. So, yeah. Before 2027. Let me put it that way. And we'll make this vehicle in very high volume. And -- but well before that, you will experience a robotic taxi via the Model 3 and Model Y program. And Model S and X too. But the Model -- your 3 and Y will be -- will achieve unsupervised full stop driving with permission in wherever regulators essentially approve it in the U.S. and then to follow in outside the U.S.

So -- and the Cybertruck too. Yes, of course. Sorry. I don't want to be -- yes, yes. All our cars are basically -- all cars that we make. So -- let's not get nuanced here. All right. Next slide. So, one of the reasons why the computer can be so much better than a person is that we have millions of cars that are training on driving. So it's like living millions of lives simultaneously and seeing very unusual situations that a person in their entire lifetime would not see.

But hopefully. Yes. Exactly. So -- so with that amount of training data, it's obviously going to be much better than what a human could be because you can't live a million lives. And it's also -- it can see in all directions simultaneously. And it doesn't get tired or text or any of those things. So it will naturally be, like I said, 10, 20, 30 times safer than a human. Just for all those reasons. And I want to emphasize that the solution that we have is AI and vision. So there's no expensive equipment needed.

So the Model 3, Model Y, and S and X that we make today will be capable of full autonomy unsupervised. And that means that our cost of producing the vehicle is low. Now, we are going to actually overspec the computer for the CyberCab. So our AI5 computer will be somewhat overspec. And because I think there's actually also an opportunity sort of like an Amazon Web Services where if the car is driving for 50 hours a week, there's still over 100 hours left. And there's a potential there to have a massive amount of distributed inference compute where if you've got, like, say, a fleet of 100 million vehicles and a kilowatt of efficient inference compute, you have 100 gigawatts of compute, which is really quite substantial. And if it's there, you might as well use it. So, yeah.

So that's -- that I think will make sense. So all right. So our autonomous future is here. As I said, we've got 50 Teslas driving autonomously. We're trying to give you a sense of what cities will be like in the future. And when you get in, you'll see, like, it's really quite a wild experience to just be in a car with no steering wheel, no pedals, no controls. And it feels great. So -- and we have enough vehicles here, so everyone should be able to try it out and experience the set that we've built here.

It's a very big set. So it's, like, really -- we've used sort of, I don't know, 20, 30 acres or something like that. It's really big. So it goes on -- the ride's long. And we set it up to feel like a ride, like a park ride. So it'll be cool. And you'll get to experience it tonight. [ Cheers and applause ] Something we're also doing is -- and it's really high time we did this -- is inductive charging. So the Robotaxi has no plug.

It just goes over the inductive charger and charges. So yeah. That's kind of how it should be. Thanks, guys. I love you, too. So one of the things that, like, is really interesting is how will this affect the cities that we live in? And when you drive around a city or when a car drives you around a city, you'll see there's a lot of parking lots. There's parking lots everywhere.

Parking garages. And so what would happen if you have an autonomous world is that you can now turn parking lots into parks. And so from -- we're taking the "ing" lot out of "parking lot." Welcome. So there's a lot of opportunity to create green space in the cities that we live in. So I think that would be quite fantastic. Oh, and also, what happens if you need a vehicle that is bigger than a Model Y? The Robovin. The Robovin is -- this is -- we're going to make this. And it's going to look like that. Now, can you imagine going down the streets and you see this coming towards you?

That would be sick. So this can carry up to 20 people, and it can also transport goods. So you can configure it for goods transport within a city or transport up to 20 people at a time. So this is going to -- the Robovin is what's going to solve for high density. So if you want to take a sports team somewhere or you're looking to really get the cost of travel down to, I don't know, 5, 10 cents a mile, then you can use the Robovin. Some people call it the Robovin. So yeah. You know, one of the things we want to do -- and you've seen this with the Cybertruck -- is we want to change the look of the roads. The future should look like the future.

So speaking of robots, so everything we've developed for our cars, the batteries, power electronics, the advanced motors, gear boxes, the software, the AI inference computer, it all actually applies to a humanoid robot. It's the same techniques. It's just a robot with arms and legs instead of a robot with wheels. And we've made a lot of progress with the Optimus. And as you can see, we started out with someone in a robot suit, sort of dad, and then we've progressed dramatically year after year. So if you extrapolate this, you're really going to have something spectacular, something that anyone could own.

So you could have your own personal R2D2 C3PO. And I think at scale, this would cost something like, I don't know, $20,000, $30,000. Less than a car is my prediction long-term. Take us a minute to get to the long-term. But fundamentally at scale, the Optimus robot, you should be able to buy an Optimus robot for I think probably $20,000 to $30,000 long-term. And what can it do? It'll be able to do anything you want. So it can be a teacher, babysit your kids, it can walk your dog, mow your lawn, get the groceries, just be your friend, serve drinks.

Whatever you can think of, it will do. And yeah, it's going to be awesome. I think this will be the biggest product ever of any kind. Because I think everyone of the 8 billion people of Earth, I think everyone's going to want their Optimus buddy. And there's going to be maybe two. And then there'll be producing products and services. I predict actually provided we address risks of digital superintelligence, 80% probability of good outcome. Look on the bright side.

The cup is 80% full. The cost of products and services will decline dramatically. And basically anyone will be able to have any products and services they want. It will be an age of abundance. The likes of which people have not -- almost no one has envisioned. It will be something special. So one of the things we wanted to show tonight was that Optimus is not a canned video. It's not walled off. The Optimus robots will walk among you. Please be nice to the Optimus robots.

So you'll be able to walk right up to them. And they'll serve drinks at the bar. And you'll directly -- I mean, it's a wild experience just to have humanoid robots. And they're there. Just in front of you. So yeah. With that, let's party! [Cheers and applause] I love you guys, too. If you look at that gazebo over there, let's get the party started.


新闻tinanewyork 发布了信息 • 0 个评论 • 12 次浏览 • 3 天前 • 添加这个标签不超过24小时



00:00 马斯克认为如果特朗普在这次2024年总统选举中没有胜出,那么将会是美国最后一次民主选举

00:32 马斯克抨击民主党正在将大量非法移民运送到摇摆州

00:55 所有摇摆州的非法移民人数都有三位数的增长

01:48 非法移民的首要任务是让他们的朋友和家人也来到美国

02:00 马斯克的预测是,如果再有四年的民主党政府,到下一次选举,就不会有摇摆州了

02:17 美国将是一个单一政党执政的国家,就像加州是一个单一政党执政的州一样
I mean, my view is that if Trump doesn’t win this election, it’s the last election we’re going to have. That the Democrats, the Dem machine, has been importing so many people, bringing in so many illegals, flying in with this like CBP border app thing that nobody even knew about, like secret program. That’s illegal basically. They’re transporting large numbers of illegals to swing states. If you look at the numbers, these are the numbers from the government website. So like from the Democrat administered government website. From the government website that is run by Democrats. And there are triple digit increases in illegals to all the swing states. Now these swing state margins are sometimes,So what happens if you put hundreds of thousands of people into each swing state? When somebody is granted asylum, they are fast tracked. They can get a green card, and then five years after the green card, they can get citizenship and they can fully legally vote. And when they do so, they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. And sometimes I get this rebuttal of like, well, a lot of them, their social values don’t align with sort of the far left sort of woke ideology. I said, that’s true, but that’s not their top priority. Their top priority is getting their friends and family also to the United States. And the Dems also issue all these programs, these sort of handouts essentially, that make them beholden to the Democratic Party. So they vote Dem. That’s what happens. So my prediction is if there’s another four years of a Dem administration, they will legalize, so many illegals that are there, that the next election, there won’t be any swing states. And we’ll be a single party country, just like California is a single party state. That’s a super majority Dem state in California. Because of immigration. Yes. California was fairly reliably Republican. Bill Clinton lost California in ’92 and won West Virginia. Yes. So there was a 1986 amnesty. And thereafter, California trended very strongly Dem. And is at this point, I think, 65, 70% Dem, something like that. It’s super majority Dem. The California legislature is more than two-thirds Democrat.


2024年10月伊隆馬斯克人生觀|伊隆馬斯克名言英文|伊隆馬斯克故事|特斯拉|特斯拉台灣|馬斯克最新 查看全部


00:00 马斯克认为如果特朗普在这次2024年总统选举中没有胜出,那么将会是美国最后一次民主选举

00:32 马斯克抨击民主党正在将大量非法移民运送到摇摆州

00:55 所有摇摆州的非法移民人数都有三位数的增长

01:48 非法移民的首要任务是让他们的朋友和家人也来到美国

02:00 马斯克的预测是,如果再有四年的民主党政府,到下一次选举,就不会有摇摆州了

02:17 美国将是一个单一政党执政的国家,就像加州是一个单一政党执政的州一样
I mean, my view is that if Trump doesn’t win this election, it’s the last election we’re going to have. That the Democrats, the Dem machine, has been importing so many people, bringing in so many illegals, flying in with this like CBP border app thing that nobody even knew about, like secret program. That’s illegal basically. They’re transporting large numbers of illegals to swing states. If you look at the numbers, these are the numbers from the government website. So like from the Democrat administered government website. From the government website that is run by Democrats. And there are triple digit increases in illegals to all the swing states. Now these swing state margins are sometimes,So what happens if you put hundreds of thousands of people into each swing state? When somebody is granted asylum, they are fast tracked. They can get a green card, and then five years after the green card, they can get citizenship and they can fully legally vote. And when they do so, they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. And sometimes I get this rebuttal of like, well, a lot of them, their social values don’t align with sort of the far left sort of woke ideology. I said, that’s true, but that’s not their top priority. Their top priority is getting their friends and family also to the United States. And the Dems also issue all these programs, these sort of handouts essentially, that make them beholden to the Democratic Party. So they vote Dem. That’s what happens. So my prediction is if there’s another four years of a Dem administration, they will legalize, so many illegals that are there, that the next election, there won’t be any swing states. And we’ll be a single party country, just like California is a single party state. That’s a super majority Dem state in California. Because of immigration. Yes. California was fairly reliably Republican. Bill Clinton lost California in ’92 and won West Virginia. Yes. So there was a 1986 amnesty. And thereafter, California trended very strongly Dem. And is at this point, I think, 65, 70% Dem, something like that. It’s super majority Dem. The California legislature is more than two-thirds Democrat.



【2024年美国副总统候选人辩论全程视频|内含中英翻译字幕】美国总统选举 | 美国副总统辩论转播 | 总统大选美国 | 民主党 | 华兹 | 共和党 | 范斯 | 美国副总统候选人辩论

新闻tinanewyork 发布了信息 • 0 个评论 • 16 次浏览 • 2024-10-06 12:46 • 添加这个标签不超过24小时


00:00 2024美国总统大选副总统辩论开始
00:14 可能是本次总统选举周期的最后一场辩论
01:35 双方竞选团队达成一致的辩论规则
04:03 沃尔兹支持援助以色列,获得军事优势
04:38 特朗普任期内的两位国防部长和国家安全顾问都说他不应该再次竞选美国总统
05:57 副总统候选人万斯的职业生涯和自我介绍
06:55 万斯指责哈里斯政府让伊朗获得超过1000亿美元的解冻资产
08:14 沃尔兹讽刺特朗普的外交政策就是在推特上发推文
10:10 万斯吹捧特朗普四年总统期,让世界没有发生大规模战争
13:39 特朗普称气候变化是假新闻
14:08 北美最大的太阳能制造厂位于明尼苏达州
15:44 万斯说花费数亿甚至数十亿美元的美国纳税人的钱去购买在中国制造的太阳能电池板,将使经济变得更脏。
17:49 万斯曾说将动用美国军队去驱逐非法移民
18:53 万斯支持特朗普的边境政策,修建围墙,重新驱逐非法移民
18:59 万斯说美国境内有2000万到2500万的非法移民
19:12 万斯说应该先驱逐那些犯罪的非法移民
19:33 美国国土安全部证实实际上已经有32万名儿童失踪
21:07 特朗普反对通过最公正和最严格的移民法案
21:48 沃尔兹说解决非法移民问题的根本在于美国国会,而不能仅仅通过行政命令
23:47 根据民调,超过50%的美国人支持大规模驱逐偷渡非法移民
26:03 万斯指责哈里斯带来了数百万非法移民与美国人争夺稀缺的住房
27:08 沃尔兹拿圣经来比喻非法移民:“你们如何对待弱小人群,就会如何对待上帝"
30:15 沃尔兹所在的明尼苏达州,法律为小企业提供5000美元的税收抵免,将其增加到50000美元
30:37 沃尔兹攻击特朗普会对所有美国人的收入征收20%的消费税或销售税
31:49 万斯攻击哈里斯的政策让食品价格上涨了25%,住房成本上涨了约60%
34:15 特朗普在过去15年里没有支付任何联邦税
41:05 万斯曾说特朗普是美国版的希特勒
43:31 万斯说中国雇佣奴隶劳工的每天工资是3美元
45:35 明尼苏达州支持女性自主抉择是否生育权利
45:44 沃尔兹坦言是医疗治愈了他的不孕症
46:02 由于德州禁止女性堕胎,导致德克萨斯州的孕产妇死亡率飙升
46:12 数据表明,沃尔兹治理的明尼苏达州,医疗保健排名全美第一
48:03 万斯说应该让各个州制定他们的堕胎政策
48:11 万斯说美国是一个非常混乱、且分裂的国家
51:09 明尼苏达州是青少年怀孕率最低的州之一
53:14 沃尔兹说女性可以自己选择生或者不生孩子,他人没有决定权
54:37 主持人说美国儿童和青少年死亡的主要原因是枪支暴力
56:23 万斯说哈里斯打开南部边境,导致美国非法枪支数量大幅增加
56:45 万斯认为可以给学校安装更牢固的门和窗户,来防止校园枪支暴力
01:00:24 沃尔兹口误声称和校园枪击罪犯成为朋友
01:00:36 沃尔兹表明自己车里备有散弹枪
01:02:21 沃尔兹表明他的一生只买过并拥有一套房子
01:03:22 Minneapolis是全美最低通货膨胀率的城市之一
01:04:44 万斯说非法移民推高了美国住房成本
01:04:46 两千五百万的非法移民与美国人争抢稀缺住房,是推动全国房价上涨的重要因素之一
01:07:36 沃尔兹说在联邦土地上新建住房只会成为有钱人赚钱的机会
01:15:40 《平价医疗法案》下的注册人数在特朗普政府期间和拜登任期都确有增加
01:17:00 美国是世界上为数不多的没有父母带薪休产假福利的发达国家之一
01:21:40 美联储表示,美国父母每月在儿童护理上的支出几乎与住房支出相当
01:27:32 万斯表示卡马拉·哈里斯在进行大规模的舆论审查,这是40年来,美国最大的民主威胁
01:29:32 特朗普曾试图推翻公正的总统选举和权力的和平交接
01:36:16 沃尔兹表示特朗普竞选总统会让很多美国人感到害怕
01:37:34 万斯表示哈里斯的政策让很多美国人买不起一顿好的饭菜


00:00 2024美国总统大选副总统辩论开始
00:14 可能是本次总统选举周期的最后一场辩论
01:35 双方竞选团队达成一致的辩论规则
04:03 沃尔兹支持援助以色列,获得军事优势
04:38 特朗普任期内的两位国防部长和国家安全顾问都说他不应该再次竞选美国总统
05:57 副总统候选人万斯的职业生涯和自我介绍
06:55 万斯指责哈里斯政府让伊朗获得超过1000亿美元的解冻资产
08:14 沃尔兹讽刺特朗普的外交政策就是在推特上发推文
10:10 万斯吹捧特朗普四年总统期,让世界没有发生大规模战争
13:39 特朗普称气候变化是假新闻
14:08 北美最大的太阳能制造厂位于明尼苏达州
15:44 万斯说花费数亿甚至数十亿美元的美国纳税人的钱去购买在中国制造的太阳能电池板,将使经济变得更脏。
17:49 万斯曾说将动用美国军队去驱逐非法移民
18:53 万斯支持特朗普的边境政策,修建围墙,重新驱逐非法移民
18:59 万斯说美国境内有2000万到2500万的非法移民
19:12 万斯说应该先驱逐那些犯罪的非法移民
19:33 美国国土安全部证实实际上已经有32万名儿童失踪
21:07 特朗普反对通过最公正和最严格的移民法案
21:48 沃尔兹说解决非法移民问题的根本在于美国国会,而不能仅仅通过行政命令
23:47 根据民调,超过50%的美国人支持大规模驱逐偷渡非法移民
26:03 万斯指责哈里斯带来了数百万非法移民与美国人争夺稀缺的住房
27:08 沃尔兹拿圣经来比喻非法移民:“你们如何对待弱小人群,就会如何对待上帝"
30:15 沃尔兹所在的明尼苏达州,法律为小企业提供5000美元的税收抵免,将其增加到50000美元
30:37 沃尔兹攻击特朗普会对所有美国人的收入征收20%的消费税或销售税
31:49 万斯攻击哈里斯的政策让食品价格上涨了25%,住房成本上涨了约60%
34:15 特朗普在过去15年里没有支付任何联邦税
41:05 万斯曾说特朗普是美国版的希特勒
43:31 万斯说中国雇佣奴隶劳工的每天工资是3美元
45:35 明尼苏达州支持女性自主抉择是否生育权利
45:44 沃尔兹坦言是医疗治愈了他的不孕症
46:02 由于德州禁止女性堕胎,导致德克萨斯州的孕产妇死亡率飙升
46:12 数据表明,沃尔兹治理的明尼苏达州,医疗保健排名全美第一
48:03 万斯说应该让各个州制定他们的堕胎政策
48:11 万斯说美国是一个非常混乱、且分裂的国家
51:09 明尼苏达州是青少年怀孕率最低的州之一
53:14 沃尔兹说女性可以自己选择生或者不生孩子,他人没有决定权
54:37 主持人说美国儿童和青少年死亡的主要原因是枪支暴力
56:23 万斯说哈里斯打开南部边境,导致美国非法枪支数量大幅增加
56:45 万斯认为可以给学校安装更牢固的门和窗户,来防止校园枪支暴力
01:00:24 沃尔兹口误声称和校园枪击罪犯成为朋友
01:00:36 沃尔兹表明自己车里备有散弹枪
01:02:21 沃尔兹表明他的一生只买过并拥有一套房子
01:03:22 Minneapolis是全美最低通货膨胀率的城市之一
01:04:44 万斯说非法移民推高了美国住房成本
01:04:46 两千五百万的非法移民与美国人争抢稀缺住房,是推动全国房价上涨的重要因素之一
01:07:36 沃尔兹说在联邦土地上新建住房只会成为有钱人赚钱的机会
01:15:40 《平价医疗法案》下的注册人数在特朗普政府期间和拜登任期都确有增加
01:17:00 美国是世界上为数不多的没有父母带薪休产假福利的发达国家之一
01:21:40 美联储表示,美国父母每月在儿童护理上的支出几乎与住房支出相当
01:27:32 万斯表示卡马拉·哈里斯在进行大规模的舆论审查,这是40年来,美国最大的民主威胁
01:29:32 特朗普曾试图推翻公正的总统选举和权力的和平交接
01:36:16 沃尔兹表示特朗普竞选总统会让很多美国人感到害怕
01:37:34 万斯表示哈里斯的政策让很多美国人买不起一顿好的饭菜




经验分享tinanewyork 发布了信息 • 0 个评论 • 19 次浏览 • 2024-09-29 13:05 • 添加这个标签不超过24小时


 00:00 开始 
00:09 哪些美国福利会影响到我的绿卡申请?使用白卡到底会不会影响到我的移民申请? 
00:23 “使用白卡福利会影响绿卡申请”这个谣言产生的历史原因 
01:00 有5类人是不受公共负担政策的影响 
01:36 有3种美国社会福利可能会被默认为是公共负担。 
02:04 没有身份的外国人,如果领取了政府现金的公共福利,有可能会影响到移民。 
02:16 有哪些福利不会影响绿卡申请, 
02:31 使用白卡不太可能影响到你的移民 
02:39 long term住院和nursing home会影响到绿卡申请 
02:51 区别的标准就是,只要不是领取现金,基本不会被移民局认为是公共负担,也不会影响申请绿卡。 
02:53 订阅我们的youtube频道,了解最新美国移民和美国绿卡信息
首先呢,我们要清楚这个传言是怎么来的。确实在2016年至2021年期间,由于I944表格的存在,前美国总统川普当局对于所有领取福利的外国人,在申请绿卡时都严格审核。该政策和I944表格让人谈虎色变,导致很多本来完全符合资格领公共福利的人都不敢去领了,哦。这无疑也是违背该政策的初衷。当然,I944表格最后也被取消了。 但是依旧会有人问:我真的需要帮助时,要不要领福利?什么样的情况下会影响到我的绿卡申请? 那首先呢,
第二类:特殊青少年移民,英文是:Special Immigrant Juvenile; 
那么,综上所述呢, 就是:所有的弱势群体是不受领取福利影响的;但如果你是外国人,最后要申请美国绿卡的话,
第一种呢:辅助社案津贴,英文全称是:Supplement Security Income, 即SSI项目; 
第二种呢:贫困家庭现金援助,英文全称名是:Temporary Assistance for Needy Family, 也就是TANF项目; 
然后,那第三种呢:就是州政府和当地的现金援助计划,又称为General Assistance program; 
白卡,这是很多人最关心的,其实使用白卡不太可能影响到你的移民。只有一种例外,就是使用白卡进行长期也就是long term住院,比如住在护理家庭,也就是Nursing Home。或者是这种精神疾病机构。 除此以外,还有许多其他的项目并不会被默认为是公共负担。区别的标准就是,只要不是领取现金,基本不会被移民局认为是公共负担,也不会影响申请绿卡。


 00:00 开始 
00:09 哪些美国福利会影响到我的绿卡申请?使用白卡到底会不会影响到我的移民申请? 
00:23 “使用白卡福利会影响绿卡申请”这个谣言产生的历史原因 
01:00 有5类人是不受公共负担政策的影响 
01:36 有3种美国社会福利可能会被默认为是公共负担。 
02:04 没有身份的外国人,如果领取了政府现金的公共福利,有可能会影响到移民。 
02:16 有哪些福利不会影响绿卡申请, 
02:31 使用白卡不太可能影响到你的移民 
02:39 long term住院和nursing home会影响到绿卡申请 
02:51 区别的标准就是,只要不是领取现金,基本不会被移民局认为是公共负担,也不会影响申请绿卡。 
02:53 订阅我们的youtube频道,了解最新美国移民和美国绿卡信息
首先呢,我们要清楚这个传言是怎么来的。确实在2016年至2021年期间,由于I944表格的存在,前美国总统川普当局对于所有领取福利的外国人,在申请绿卡时都严格审核。该政策和I944表格让人谈虎色变,导致很多本来完全符合资格领公共福利的人都不敢去领了,哦。这无疑也是违背该政策的初衷。当然,I944表格最后也被取消了。 但是依旧会有人问:我真的需要帮助时,要不要领福利?什么样的情况下会影响到我的绿卡申请? 那首先呢,
第二类:特殊青少年移民,英文是:Special Immigrant Juvenile; 
那么,综上所述呢, 就是:所有的弱势群体是不受领取福利影响的;但如果你是外国人,最后要申请美国绿卡的话,
第一种呢:辅助社案津贴,英文全称是:Supplement Security Income, 即SSI项目; 
第二种呢:贫困家庭现金援助,英文全称名是:Temporary Assistance for Needy Family, 也就是TANF项目; 
然后,那第三种呢:就是州政府和当地的现金援助计划,又称为General Assistance program; 
白卡,这是很多人最关心的,其实使用白卡不太可能影响到你的移民。只有一种例外,就是使用白卡进行长期也就是long term住院,比如住在护理家庭,也就是Nursing Home。或者是这种精神疾病机构。 除此以外,还有许多其他的项目并不会被默认为是公共负担。区别的标准就是,只要不是领取现金,基本不会被移民局认为是公共负担,也不会影响申请绿卡。



美国绿卡|美国移民|美国移民局进度查询 | 让美国国会议员帮助催案件进展,可以吗? 这个信息是真的吗?

经验分享tinanewyork 发布了信息 • 0 个评论 • 20 次浏览 • 2024-09-29 13:00 • 添加这个标签不超过24小时


 00:00 开始 
00:09 让美国国会议员帮助催案件进展,可以吗? 这个信息是真的吗? 
00:18 一般国会议员办公室只处理超过正常处理时间的案件才会帮写信 
00:26 要先登陆美国移民局网站上面,查找关于你案件类别的正常处理时间 
00:54 为什么说找美国议员写信的效果意义不大 
01:07 美国移民局电话8003752283,和美国移民法庭查询热线:8008987180 
01:22 想加快案件办理速度,最直接有效的办法就是办理催判令 
01:24 什么是催办令,催办令的本质是什么 
01:45 案件通过率跟国会议员写信没有关系,主要看你个人的硬性证据是否充足 
01:50 订阅我们的youtube频道,了解更多美国移民信息


 00:00 开始 
00:09 让美国国会议员帮助催案件进展,可以吗? 这个信息是真的吗? 
00:18 一般国会议员办公室只处理超过正常处理时间的案件才会帮写信 
00:26 要先登陆美国移民局网站上面,查找关于你案件类别的正常处理时间 
00:54 为什么说找美国议员写信的效果意义不大 
01:07 美国移民局电话8003752283,和美国移民法庭查询热线:8008987180 
01:22 想加快案件办理速度,最直接有效的办法就是办理催判令 
01:24 什么是催办令,催办令的本质是什么 
01:45 案件通过率跟国会议员写信没有关系,主要看你个人的硬性证据是否充足 
01:50 订阅我们的youtube频道,了解更多美国移民信息




经验分享tinanewyork 发布了信息 • 0 个评论 • 17 次浏览 • 2024-09-29 12:56 • 添加这个标签不超过24小时


 00:00 开始 
00:20 在中美都有收入的情况下,我的收入是否需要全球征税? 
00:35 绿卡持有者是美国的永久居民,在全球的任何一个地方所拿到的收入,都应该向美国的国税局申报税务。 
00:43 每年都需要向美国国税局申报赚了多少钱 
01:16 美国税务律师主要是做税务的官司, 而财产、收入的申报以及税务的申报要找美国会计师去做 
01:36 如果说资产是你在拿绿卡之前已经获得的,这个资产本身是不需要交税的。 
01:40 资产只是申报,但不需要交税。 
02:00 美国绿卡和工卡持有者不需要重复交税 
02:13 在免税额以内,如果你已经在其他国家已经交完税,你只要如实的申报就可以了 
02:30 可以用中国和美国两地不同的税务制度去合法避税 
02:35 处理美国税务问题,一定要找专业的会计师和税务师 
02:36 订阅我们的美国移民频道, 了解更多美国交税信息 
首先需要明确的是美国是一个全球征税的国家,绿卡持有者是美国的永久居民,那你在全球的任何一个地方所拿到收入,都应该向美国的国税局申报税务。而且美国的税务的交税体系跟其他国家不太一样,美国是自主申报体系。那你要先自己申报说我今年赚了多少钱,那么在这种情况下呢,大家应该找一个专业的靠谱的美国的会计师和美国的税务师,特别是精通中国大陆资产申报,在中国和美国甚至全球多个地方、都有收入纳税、报税的这种税务师。因为美国分工比较明确,税务的事情需要找专业的人士。税务律师主要是做税务的官司,比如说跟国税局打官司。要退税啊或者去申诉罚款啊、应对税务的调查啊。但是,财产、收入的申报以及税务的申报要找会计师去做。 那,一般情况下呢,大家不要太担心。因为,美国虽然是全球征税的国家,但是它还是例行一种实际申报实际纳税的一个原则。如果说资产是你在拿绿卡之前已经获得的,嗯,比如说你在上海有一套一千万的房子,这个资产本身是不需要交税的。很多人可能误解我资产原来积累了好多,我资产是不是要交税?不需要的,资产只是申报,但不需要交税。但是你就上海一千万的房子如果在拿绿卡之后卖了一千五百万,你这五百万需要交税的。 现在解答一下第二个问题:我需要重复缴税吗? 据我所知不需要重复交税的,而且每一个外国的公民虽然说是美国的绿卡,但是他有免税额的。这样的情况下,在免税额以内,如果你已经在其他国家已经完税以内,你只要如实的申报就可以了。而且中国大陆人都很聪明啦,在这种资产的管理上面,有很多的方式可以去合理地规避税。你可以用中国和美国两地不同的税务制度去避税。在这种情况下,我认为绿卡申请者包括绿卡持有者不必太担心税务的问题,找到一个专业的会计师和税务师好好地帮你规划一下,一定没问题的。


 00:00 开始 
00:20 在中美都有收入的情况下,我的收入是否需要全球征税? 
00:35 绿卡持有者是美国的永久居民,在全球的任何一个地方所拿到的收入,都应该向美国的国税局申报税务。 
00:43 每年都需要向美国国税局申报赚了多少钱 
01:16 美国税务律师主要是做税务的官司, 而财产、收入的申报以及税务的申报要找美国会计师去做 
01:36 如果说资产是你在拿绿卡之前已经获得的,这个资产本身是不需要交税的。 
01:40 资产只是申报,但不需要交税。 
02:00 美国绿卡和工卡持有者不需要重复交税 
02:13 在免税额以内,如果你已经在其他国家已经交完税,你只要如实的申报就可以了 
02:30 可以用中国和美国两地不同的税务制度去合法避税 
02:35 处理美国税务问题,一定要找专业的会计师和税务师 
02:36 订阅我们的美国移民频道, 了解更多美国交税信息 
首先需要明确的是美国是一个全球征税的国家,绿卡持有者是美国的永久居民,那你在全球的任何一个地方所拿到收入,都应该向美国的国税局申报税务。而且美国的税务的交税体系跟其他国家不太一样,美国是自主申报体系。那你要先自己申报说我今年赚了多少钱,那么在这种情况下呢,大家应该找一个专业的靠谱的美国的会计师和美国的税务师,特别是精通中国大陆资产申报,在中国和美国甚至全球多个地方、都有收入纳税、报税的这种税务师。因为美国分工比较明确,税务的事情需要找专业的人士。税务律师主要是做税务的官司,比如说跟国税局打官司。要退税啊或者去申诉罚款啊、应对税务的调查啊。但是,财产、收入的申报以及税务的申报要找会计师去做。 那,一般情况下呢,大家不要太担心。因为,美国虽然是全球征税的国家,但是它还是例行一种实际申报实际纳税的一个原则。如果说资产是你在拿绿卡之前已经获得的,嗯,比如说你在上海有一套一千万的房子,这个资产本身是不需要交税的。很多人可能误解我资产原来积累了好多,我资产是不是要交税?不需要的,资产只是申报,但不需要交税。但是你就上海一千万的房子如果在拿绿卡之后卖了一千五百万,你这五百万需要交税的。 现在解答一下第二个问题:我需要重复缴税吗? 据我所知不需要重复交税的,而且每一个外国的公民虽然说是美国的绿卡,但是他有免税额的。这样的情况下,在免税额以内,如果你已经在其他国家已经完税以内,你只要如实的申报就可以了。而且中国大陆人都很聪明啦,在这种资产的管理上面,有很多的方式可以去合理地规避税。你可以用中国和美国两地不同的税务制度去避税。在这种情况下,我认为绿卡申请者包括绿卡持有者不必太担心税务的问题,找到一个专业的会计师和税务师好好地帮你规划一下,一定没问题的。




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在美国注册公司,应该选择有限责任公司LLCs 还是公司Corporations类型?


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我在加州做装修,意外受伤, 误工费如何计算?

问答Tinalaw 回复了问题 • 2 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 19 次浏览 • 2024-09-23 05:55 • 添加这个标签不超过24小时




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